Certifications and RSE process

[ISO] 9001 Certification

Since 1993 Groupe Hautier has been certified ISO 9001. This certification guarantees the requirements for the organisation of a quality management system.

These requirements are linked to 4 main areas:
Executives responsibilities: As first and main actors of the process, the executives have to follow a list of requirements.

Quality system: Administrative requirements in order to safeguard the achievements. Requirements to consider the concept of system.

Process: Requirements on processes identification and management linked to the satisfaction of targeted parties.

Continuous improvements: Requirements to evaluate the performance at all levels. Requirements to implement actions of improvement to increase efficiency.

[RSE] Process

The Company Social Responsibility

Since its creation in 1914, Groupe Hautier always wanted to be present at the heart of the city and to contribute with public and civic commitments to the life of the society, the city and the region.

Following this idea, Thierry HAUTIER decided to create Groupe Hautier implementing the ISO 26000 process called RSE (company social responsibility).

In this process we are helped by the research group IRSI from Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle.

[Qualimat] Certification

This association dispenses a certification as long as the company implements a list of requirements linked to food health and safety.

All of our subsidiaries are certified QUALIMAT.
In our business, this certification implies a serious follow up and feeding skip & tank cleaning traceability.

[Objectif CO2] Certification

Nowadays businesses have to consider their environmental footprint.

Our company has been engaged in the signature of a CO2 agreement since 2010.

This agreement has been suggested as a voluntary procedure to 8 different transport companies in west france over a period of 3 years. The goal is to determine the impact we have in terms of CO2 rejection and find ways of improvement in order to measure the improvements over the 3 year period.

Our ways of improvement:
Drivers training on the eco-driving dispensed by our internal trainer.
Driver’s awareness about the use of the engine when being stopped to the bare minimum.

More information about the CO2 agreement

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